Tuesday, July 17, 2007


It has been way too long since I posted here.  Since last August I've been included in a wonderful, yet flawed, company.  I stopped writting about my studies, which I feel is a huge mistake, although my grades couldn't be better.  I should begin to work my homework with you, my sparse, audience.  

Not much has happenend since I posted last.  I broke my collar bone a few weeks before my birthday.  Since then, I have been on my guard watching out for the one who did it (perhaps so guarded that my girlfriend, his last, has come to comptempt me).

The pain I went through with a broken collar bone was nothing compared to what I did to myself a couple of weeks after the event.  I called in sick one friday and while making some coffee I stubbed my toe.

Only I thought I did.  As I walked past a problematic couch, I knew something was wrong.  Falling to the floor I immediately remembered my Eagle Scout training.  I grabbed a clean sock (as I was falling, mind you), and put pressure on my foot.  

Thankfully I didn't get an infection, or need stiches.  I couldn't afford either.

I kept it as clean as a foot could be for three weeks, wrapping it twice a day.  Because, you know, it's a freaking foot.  Nothing more dangerous to get infected.

All wound up fine, and I must say, it's an awesome scar.  So much better than the lump I've got on my collar bone.

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